

使亞當活著的,不是他的呼吸、心跳和腦波,而是神的靈,透過敬拜連結於神,使我們成為有靈的活人。『耶和華 神用地上的塵土造成人形,把生氣吹進他的鼻孔裡,那人就成了有生命的活人,名叫亞當。』創世記 2:7

1. 返璞歸真 / Back to Where It All Began-Live

返璞歸真 / Back to Where It All Began
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:蔣孟平Chiang Meng Ping、葉惟恩Calvin Yeh、高承恩Kevin Gao、金品齊Pinky Chin
中譯英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主領 Worship Leader:高承恩 Kevin Gao

I will offer up my all
Give my life to burn for You
Hearing Your voice
Letting You lead
主我All in全所有
Lord, I’m all in, everything

祢的愛 換回我 帶來全新生命
Your great love redeems me, giving brand new life
祢的愛 喚回我
Your great love restores me
一顆心 為主活 渴望在祢腳前
Now my heart beats for You, I will sit at Your feet
Back to where it all began to live for You

All my life for You

In my weakness I doubted
Had I wandered from Your ways
Then by Your Word
You strengthened me
Your cross redeemed everything

The world is behind me
The cross is before me
盼望全新生活 whao whoa
Hope for a brand new life whao whoa

2. 逆流前行 / Against the Flood-Live

逆流前行 / Against the Flood
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、葉惟恩 Calvin Yeh、李宛叡 Rayya Li
中譯英:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
主領 Worship Leader:馬永蒂 Matilda Ma

逆流而上 逆風前進
Against the flood facing the wind
Sees difficult as nothing
隨著波逐流 不是我本性
Going with the flow is not quite my thing

逆轉之戰 逆勢反彈
The great comeback great victory
As if there’s no gravity
倚靠祢掙脫 挫敗的壓力
Only through You we are rid of defeat

逆著風 向前進
Up the hill keep moving
只因祢 與我同行
Because You’re going with me
這一局 全在祢手裡
Everything is within Your grip

Joshua’ victory
Oh oh oh 在逆境中前進
Oh oh oh in tough times we’re moving
Oh oh oh 我呼喊耶穌的名
Oh oh oh Jesus Your name I’m shouting
不可能的事 全向祢屈膝
Impossible things come to You kneeling

Oh Joshua Nissi
Oh oh oh 在逆境中前進
Oh oh oh in tough times we’re moving
Oh oh oh 我呼喊耶穌的名
Oh oh oh Jesus’ name I’m calling
我得勝有餘 都因你聖名
Lord coz of Your name I have victory
(Oh Joshua Nissi X5)

The world shouting loudly
It’s intending to make me shrink
But You make the wind on me
Serve as my toughness training

3. 在我裡面的比世界更大 / Greater Than This World-Live

在我裡面的比世界更大 / Greater Than This World
詞曲創作:芙賽以撒Fusay Isak、鄭牧德Darren Cheng、許書珩Peter Duck、吳健美Selena Goh
Rap詞:趙治達 David Chao
中譯英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主領 Worship Leader:謝思穎 Panay Isak、趙治達 David Chao

神的話 所有仇敵都跪下
At Your Word Your enemies fall to their knees
耶和華 聽見祢名撒旦就懼怕
Jehovah, the devil trembles at Your name
不再聽 牠像蛇蠍般的謊話
Won’t give ear to lies the crafty serpent makes
I will crush the enemy beneath my feet

神兒子 付上永恆的代價
Son of God has paid the everlasting price
遵行神 所有賜福不會假
Obey God, His blessings upon you are true
祢應許 不落空一字也不差
Every promise He has made will be fulfilled
He will place me at the head not the tail

主是我的幫助 我必不懼怕
Lord, You are my help so I won’t be afraid
You make my enemies my footstool
人能把我怎樣 能把我怎樣
What can man do to me? What can they do?
主是我的幫助 我必不懼怕
Lord, You are my help so I won’t be afraid
我屬於神 我在祢裡面
I belong to You, I remain in You
因那在我裡面 比世界更大
He who lives within me, is greater than this world

撒旦 牠的麻煩很大
Satan, you’re in trouble now
By the word of God’s mouth I can beat you with my eyes closed
神是我的力量 是我的磐石高臺
God is my strength, He is my rock, my high ground
人生不靠運氣 好好相信祂的每一句話
Not relying on luck, but every word that He speaks
Every good thing is from God
Can’t overthink or we’ll overlook
The hope within me is greater than this world
Greater than the darkest power of this chaos kingdom
Greater than

主是我堅固的高臺 我的山寨
God is my strong tower, my fortress
祢是我所投靠 永遠不會毀壞
You’re the One I lean on, You will never fail
I will boldly say
主是我堅固的高臺 我的山寨
God is my strong tower, my fortress
祢是我所投靠 永遠不會毀壞
You’re the One I lean on, You will never fail

4. 苦水變新酒 / New Wine From Bitter Waters-Live

苦水變新酒 / New Wine From Bitter Waters
詞曲創作:馬永蒂Matilda Ma、鄭牧德Darren Cheng、曾裕文Yuwen Tseng、陳帟紳Eason Chen
中譯英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主領 Worship Leader:馬永蒂 Matilda Ma

感到失望 只想躲到沒有人的地方
Feeling at loss, just want to hide in my own solitude
Run from everything that troubles me
徬徨無助 渴望找到一個出口
Helpless in fear, longing to find a way out
But no one can be found

祢光照向我 就進入我生命中
Your light shines on me, piercing through into my life
斷開一切枷鎖 釋放我得自由
You break every chain, You’ve set me free

祢將憂愁 變為喜樂
All of my doubts, You turn to joy
Make new wine from bitter waters
我的需要 祢都知道
You always know all that I need
I won’t worry what tomorrow brings

我的聲音 只想發自內心為祢歌唱
I lift my voice, sing to You from the depths of my heart
You have filled my life with strength
我的生命 因著祢要大大閃爍
I give my life, to shine brightly because of Your name
Your hope will never fail

我曾失喪 如今自由
I once was lost, now I am free
在祢殿中 就已足夠
Here in Your house, I’m satisfied

5. 得勝君王 / Victorious King

得勝君王 / Victorious King
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao、洪以琳 Elim Hung、陳州邦 Ben Chen
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:陳州邦 Ben Chen、吳宇婕 Christine Wu

Who has conquered this world?
Who triumphed over death?
背負我 所有罪
Carried my every sin

You rose to life again
Gave me a brand new life
耶穌神兒子 是盼望
Jesus Son of God is my hope

萬王之王 榮耀君王
The King of Kings, our glorious King
恩典之神 神羔羊
The God of grace, lamb of God
萬王之王 榮耀君王
The King of Kings, our glorious King
恩典之神 得勝羔羊
The God of grace, victorious lamb

曾瞎眼 今卻得看見
I was blind, but now I can see
曾失喪 今卻被尋回
I was lost, but now I am found
我歌唱 祢奇妙作為
I will sing of Your wondrous works
Adonai 配得讚美
Adonai, worthy of praise

6. 氣息 / Breath

氣息 / Breath
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:璽恩 SiEnVanessa 、 趙治達 David Chao、 陳帟紳 Eason Chen、曾沛慈 Pets Tseng
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:璽恩 SiEnVanessa

當祢吹氣 我就開始呼吸
You breathe on me, and I take my first breath
祢的靈 在我身上我就甦醒
I awake as Your Spirit rests upon me
混沌世界 不曾見過光明
Chaos abounds, yet to see the light
祢的心意 堅立大地
Then by Your will, the world is formed

當我安靜 祢的聲音清晰
When I am still, I can hear You clearly
我的心 更深的被祢吸引
My heart draws deeper into Your heart
再次仰望 更新我生命
I look to You, my life is renewed
祢的同在 未曾離去 溫柔回應
You are with me, You never leave, gently You speak

Lord, let Your breath come fill me up
來充滿我 用祢的聖靈
Come fill me up, Oh Spirit come breathe
我願意更多像祢 貼近祢的心
How I long to be more like you, draw close to Your heart
祢的話語來堅定我 來堅定我
Lord, let Your Word come strengthen me, come strengthen me
Come let Your truth change my life
按著祢應許 活出祢心意
I live by Your will, in Your promises

祢發出祢的靈 萬物就被造成
You send Your Spirit forth, all of creation’s born
You cause the earth to be made new
綻放生命 是因為祢
Life blossoms forth because of You
祢發出祢的靈 萬物就被造成
You send Your Spirit forth, all of creation’s born
You cause the earth to be made new
綻放生命 在永恆裡
Life blosssoms forth eternally

7. Don’t Give Up / 不要放棄

Don’t Give Up / 不要放棄
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:孫立衡 Peter Sun、許書珩 Peter Duck、謝思穎 Panay Isak、曾晨恩 Yusifu Pulu
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:馬勝恩 Asiwa Mavaliw 、 李曉茹 Jamie Lee

祢正照亮 我前方路徑
You’re shining through the way before me
Taking steps and moving forward
勝過眼前 所遇的困境
Overcoming all difficulties
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

守護著我 祢不曾離去
Stand by me You’re always near
Once again I’m strengthened by You
堅定相信 祢與我同行
My faith lies in You going before me
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

Don’t give up 我要讚美 我要讚美
不要放棄 I will praise, I will praise
Don’t give up 我要讚美
不要放棄 I will praise

God - my fortress and stronghold
The refuge I take in
Shout out to Your loving kindness
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

You filled me with joy and hope
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

God - my fortress and stronghold
The refuge I take in
Shout out to Your loving kindness
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

You filled me with joy and hope
Run towards Your promises
Shout out to Your loving kindness
Whoa oh oh Woo whoa oh oh

8. 回到起初的愛 / Back to My First Love

回到起初的愛 / Back to My First Love
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:趙治達 David Chao、劉淑莉 Lily Liu、金品齊 Pinky Chin、陳純郁 Daisy Chen
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:陳州邦 Ben Chen

我信心的 實底是祢
My foundation of faith is You
完全將我 生命更新
Making my life wholly anew
Hope will never cease to
如火在挑旺 我的心
Set my heart on fire like You do
無人能像祢 無人能像祢
No one is like You no one is like You

Take me way back to my first love
遇見祢的良善 遺憾因祢成美滿
Coming to know how kind You are, all regrets are gone
祢擁抱我 祢擁有我 全部的愛
You embrace me You know You have all of my love
Take me way back to my first love
遇見祢的同在 這次我絕不放開
Coming to Your presence, this time I will not let go
Your ever unchanging love

All of Your grace surrounding us
Generations onwards
讓我認出祢的 認出祢的慈愛
Let me recognize Your love that You have for us

9. 降服得生命 / Surrender for Life

降服得生命 / Surrender for Life
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEnVanessa 、 趙治達 Daivd Chao
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:何彥臻 Franny Ho

In a place that’s weary and bone-dry
All I thirst for is Your breath of life
倒空我自己 沉浸在祢愛裡
Emptied my desires soak in Your love’s delight

降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me, You take the wheel from me
我渴慕 渴慕祢
I want You, You only

Regained my strength by being humble
Restore me so up I now can soar
恩典節奏裡 放下就得生命
In time with Your grace for life all else can rest

降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me You take the wheel from me
Your heart’s all I need

Restore the life in me
試煉中我仍站立 心安息如祢
Through trials I’m still standing in You I have peace

10. 讓呼求升起 / Let Prayers Arise

讓呼求升起 / Let Prayers Arise
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:周巽光 Ewen Chow、璽恩 SiEn Vanessa、芙賽以撒 Fusay Isak
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung
演唱 Vocal:陳雅玲 Sunay Chen

當四面受敵 我們轉眼仰望祢
When the walls close in, to You will we turn our eyes
火煉中被鍛造 使我們尋求祢
Tested and tried by fire makes You our one desire
不倚靠勢力 禱告中與祢同心
Not might nor power, Your heart is all we desire
謙卑倚靠聖靈 主盼望就升起
Humbly rely on Him, then will hope of God rise

祢教會 為了現今時機
Lord, Your Church have prepared for this time
預備自己勇敢 釋放醫治這地
Encouraged Her be bold to start healing this land

讓呼求 從台灣升起
Let cry out from Taiwan it rise
我們宣告祢 堅定的旨意
We will declare Your unwavering demand
讓禱告 響徹遍滿這地
Let all prayers echo throughout this land
Take your calling with pride

主愛妳 保護妳 與妳同行
God loves you, He’ll protect and walk with you
主愛妳 摯愛的土地 台灣
God loves you, the beloved land Taiwan